Luke has been such a wonderful husband in so many ways. 1. He loves to cook. Which, as many of you know, isn't one of my passions. 2. He makes me laugh
everyday. Literally. Not a day goes by that he does not put a smile on my face. 3. He encourages parts of me that no one really took the time to encourage. And that is where my blog comes in. Luke loves that I love art, crafts, and creating things. So, he has made it his job to encourage my creativity. And I LOVE it! Painting and buttons have become new hobbies of mine. So, I am going to post some of the pieces I created this Christmas as gifts for others. I am also currently working on an oil pastel painting of a peacock feather. I am about half way there. Above and to your left is a photo of an acrylic painting I put together for Kelly and Nathan called "Dandelion Dream". Following below is an acrylic/spray painting that is now hanging above Camille's bed. It is called "Cherry Blossom Storm"... well, the name keeps changing, but you get the jist. I like this one.

It is one of my favorite pieces so far. And Luke's. He didn't want me to give it away. The next painting was inspired by a cottage image I found online that completely reminded me of my mother

-in-law, Corinne. It is acrylic with some button additions. Pretty cute. This painting took me the longest to complete. There were so many layers! She loved it, and it now lives on a wall in her kitchen. One of the frustrations I have found with painting is finding inspiration. I know that I can paint, but what to paint? How to paint it? And for who? These are some questions that I still have not answered. It seems I cannot just sit down and paint. I need a reason to paint. Is this my own deal? Do any of you struggle with the same thing? I also feel that I am limited in my ability. When we have the money, I would like to take some art classes to hone my skill and find my niche as an artist, because right now, I feel like I am a copycat. Okay, the next painting below is an acrylic I painted for my sister-in-law, Melaine.

She has this funky bedroom with bright colors, with French and antique decor. So this piece I called the "Funky Fleur di Lis". It is painted over four canvases to be hung together. It is pretty cute. It was my favorite before the cherry blossom painting. Below is another painting I created for Camille with acrylic. I also found an image online that I liked, and created something similar with different colors and branches. I think

it is pretty stinking cute, if you ask me. I especially like the paint used for the background--it almost looks like wood. It bums me out that I didn't come up with the image on my own... Which is why I am still frustrated and wanting to figure out a way to find my own inspiration. If you have any ideas, please, share. Below is a painting I did for my Mom's office. Yet again, another image I found online and liked. I added her name to the top, and na

med her "Chic glasses". Fitting for an optometrist office, in my opinion. I also created another image for her office of an eye.

It is very modern and reminds me of an ink piece I did in high school in an art class. It is pretty unique, and took a while for me to complete. Next up is an acrylic/decoupage I put together for my Dad.

It was inspired by a photo I took of the sky when we were vacationing in Oahu this summer. I added cotton to the clouds to make them stand out, and also added a quote from Aesop Rock about dreams. This nex

t painting is called "Softball Days". It is an urban painting for my dad. It is an acrylic/spray paint piece of me and my dad playing catch.

The purple clouds with gold outline represent my high school colors. The next two paintings were created for my brother. The first is a cute, colorful giraffe, and the second is a collage of urban art, called "The City that knows how." I had the most fun creating the collage piece.

And there you have it. This is what I have been up to the last month or so. Creating art. Thanks to my husband Luke. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
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