So, I got my hair cut on Saturday, with a specific picture in mind. Unfortunately, my hair ended up a little bit shorter than I had pictured, and at this length, there is not much room for error. it is a cute cut, don't get me wrong, but I am super self-concious. I have gotten many compliments, but I am still a little weary. Today I wore a beanie to work because I am not ready for the ridicule of mean middle-schoolers. They can tell it is short, and that I got it cut, but they can't really see HOW short. Although they have all complained and whined about me cutting it already. I pray for confidence in the next 12 hours so that I can face my students tomorrow! Pray for me!
Love, Pixie
I'll pray for you since hair is everything to us ladies it seems. I actually really like it. I just want to say though that only having met you like once, I don't think any hairstyle could ruin your beauty.
omg i love you.... really...
love pixie? hahaahaha what are we gonna do with you tink?
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